Diddy has "fond" memories of the chickens that stayed in there, and before it falls down he wanted a picture. I remember the chickens too, but I was very young... we also had pigs back at the pond when I was a kid, and lots of cows in the field. The cows weren't really ours as my Grandma rented the land to Mr. R.F. He was her cousin, and he helped take care of things around the house.
While at Grandma's house, the kids were thrilled to have their Grandiddy there to play with them. Since tax season is over we get to see more of him, and that we love! Last Saturday I especially loved watching my Daddy show the kids how to blow "dandylions" and make a wish - I will file that away as one of the sweetest things ever, and I want to remember it always. It was a simple and quick lesson, but they were so excited. Even Grandiddy! Precious...
After more yard work there, we had a wedding to attend that evening. EJ and Cub were thrilled to go visit with their best friends, Kyle and Seth and their parents while we went to the ceremony and reception. It was beautiful, and Uncle BB looked handsome as one of the groomsmen.
Sunday was church (my parents joined by transfer of letter!), then a spaghetti lunch put on by the Awana children. Some catch up house cleaning after that, and Geoff and Diddy helped me plant a little garden in our backyard... Monday was fun as we kept our "cousin baby sister" Addyson, and Geoff played softball with the church. Tuesday was pre -k, cleaning house, a play date with Isabella and dance class... Wednesday was pre -k, library laptime, changing email stress and then church! Nana came in town from Charleston, SC last night as well, so today has been more pre -k and playing with Nana. I know I have forgoten some things, but this is the jist of it...
Is it Friday yet?
I have been trying to clean out the kids rooms and switch seasonal clothes this whole week - I am still trying to accomplish this goal!
Maybe it'll happen before our beach trip? If not we'll be on the beach in our sweaters and coats, but at least we'll be at the beach!
Isn't it pretty ridiculous how you try and try to do things but somehow they just never get done. I have so many thing sbfore we leave for the cruise on Saturday, and they just are not getting done.
You not the expert, casually?
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