I never knew until I got older that it was a southern thing, but I am told it most certainly is, or that it started here at least.
When Geoff and I got married, our talented cake lady made Geoff a Piper Cub airplane for his groom's cake... it was pretty cool, and got lots of attention. Only it was so hot and humid in September that it began to melt, and the wings had to be held up with big cups so they wouldn't collapse.
But, yall - this one truly "takes the cake"... at the wedding we went to this weekend, this was the groom's cake -
Isn't it awesome?!
I can't begin to explain to you how we are kinda related to the groom, but he went to high school with us. In a nutshell, Geoff's Aunt Betty Jo is married to the groom's Daddy, among a few other family connections that might really confuse someone. They own/run a large dairy farm not far down the road.
This cake is absolutely perfect for his Groom's cake, and also the most awesome one I've ever seen. I was told the Bride's Aunt made it... she should go into the cake business.
And, just so you can tell that it is really a cake, here it is after it's been cut. Yes, it's also red velvet!
We wish Kirk and Stephanie many blessings and lots of love as they begin their life together - God bless you both!
That's the most incredible cake I've ever seen!
Wasn't that cow awesome! I seriously thought it was a statue when I first saw it. Crazy!
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