Saturday, September 6, 2008

Dove Season Begins

It's opening day... and the men are all in their camo's, guns in hand and sittin' in a friend's field... waiting to take shots at all the dove flying around.

I just can't think about it.

Poor, pretty birds... fly away while you still can!

As a matter of fact, tomorrow these same men (husband, Diddy, brother, uncles, cousins, the preacher and half the community) will be setting up their cover here, in our fields. After church they will converge for a meal, and then they will set out looking for tree limbs and brush to cut down for their hideouts from the unsuspecting birds.

Remember those pretty sunflower fields from July?

Well, let's just say that dove love sunflowers, and here are pictures of BB and Uncle Milton plowing down the now very dead sunflowers, plus some of the corn stalks. And, in doing so, spreading the seeds all over the ground... for the birds.

Are you following this plan?

Yeah, me too.

It is the way of life here, and I am used to and even proud of, the men (and some women) and their hunting. They do eat the birds, usually the night of each hunt, so it is not for just sport. The hunt is law abiding and the hunters are gentleman... just good 'ol boys having fun and enjoying a dove supper, or two, or three, or ten...hanging out, telling tall tales of who shot how many bird, who almost shot who, and so on.

Momma, the kids and I usually vacate the property. Reynie and BB's house is far enough back she can't really see/hear all the shooting, so she has a lot of craft things planned for her weekend. But we stay long enough to get some pictures, visit a bit with everyone, and then we head on out for another adventure somewhere else. I am proud of the boys, but I do not want to hang around to watch, or hear, all the action. Our house sits in the middle of the hunt here on this property, and my parents pretty much is too. In the past, when we stayed home we would hear gunshot pinging on our roofs, and the sounds of 70 or so shotguns firing... all day.

Not really my idea of a relaxing tomorrow we will gladly go shopping. I know, they twisted my arm, but we have to go somewhere... why not the mall?

Now, the next issue is how to get Cub to come with us this year. He wants to shoot the toy rifle we got him for his birthday...

Come join us at The Blog Train...


Unknown said...

You are always welcome to come back to my house to hang out! We can put the kids in front of their toy stash at BB's and Aunt Reynie's house while me, you and Mrs. Betty maybe watch a good movie or something??? I'm open. I can put my projects on hold....

Scarlet O'Kara said...

Fly away lovely doves...

Mamajil said...

My guys love to shoot dove, they have a field they go to with some friends.
I've never watched....I'd go to the mall too ;)